Using the right garden power equipment makes keeping your yard nice and tidy a breeze. Keep reading to learn more about our top three garden power tools.

With the appropriate lawn mower, maintaining a healthy, well-kept lawn is much easier. With a variety of electric and cordless, battery powered versions, there’s a lawn mower to fit any size yard.
Mowing your lawn can be a little tricky, so time your mowing so that each time you mow you only remove no more than one-third of the whole leaf surface (of a single grass blade).
Scalping Lawn
Lawns become scalped when too much grass is cut in one mow. You should avoid scalping your grass or cutting it too short to avoid diseases and weed infestations. Scalped turf may also burn and dry out on those hot dry days.
Adjusting Mower Height
Throughout the growth season, adjust the mower height. In the summer, for example, raise the cutting height to allow grass to grow taller. Taller grass shades the soil, preventing weed development and slowing water loss. Taller grass also produces deeper roots, resulting in a lawn that is more drought tolerant.
Mow When Grass Is Dry
It’s best to mow when your lawn is completely dry. Wet grass can stick and clog underneath your mower deck. If you need to mow the lawn while it’s wet, use an oil or silicone spray on the underside of your mower to keep the grass from sticking. To avoid pulling grass out of the soil, make sure your mower blade is sharp!
If you’re interested in achieving a great looking lawn, check out our PXC Cordless Telescopic Handle Lawn Mower Kit for a lightweight, portable mower perfect for maintaining lawn areas up to 450m² with the 4.0Ah Li-Ion batteries provided.

Line trimmers are compact, lightweight, and very useful for tidying up your yard and help produce nice lawn edges prior to mowing. They are designed to cut grass that grows in hard-to-reach locations, such as under trees or around letter boxes. Most line trimmers can be easily stored by hanging them from a hook on the wall of your shed or garage.
Wear PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
It’s super important to make sure you keep your eyes protected when using Line Trimmers or Edgers – to make sure you prevent any debris or small stones hurting you. If you want to be extra careful, a visor will protect your entire face. Gloves are also a good idea.
Avoid wearing shorts or sandals – we always recommend wearing closed toe shoes to make sure you are protected from any flying debris. Steel capped safety boots provide excellent protection for your feet if you are working in an overgrown area.
Angle the trimmer at around 30° and let the tip of the line or blade to do the work when trimming around walls or fences, preventing the motor from overloading. The edging guide can help you do this. Finally, earmuffs offer great protection from long-term exposure to loud noises when using tools.
Check the Ground Before Trimming
Always check the ground and your surrounds before trimming. Glass, metal wire and other small foreign objects can cause damage to your trimmer or become airborne after being struck.
Watch Out for Others!
Be mindful of other people and property in the area of where you are working. Neighbours or passers by are sometimes more likely to be hit by flying debris than you are. So give your family a heads up before getting started!
Avoid Windows and Cars
Small stones or gravel may easily damage car paintwork as well as shatter or break windows in your home, so be extra careful not to make contact with these objects when trimming.
Our PXC Cordless Line Trimmer Kit is excellent for swiftly, simply, and efficiently cutting hard-to-reach parts of your yard. A comfortable user experience is provided by the robust, lightweight aluminium shaft with sure secure grip handle and adjustable D-shaped auxiliary handle.

Blower vacuums are great for blowing away or sucking up dry leaves, dirt and twigs from pathways and driveways and are much easier and faster than a traditional broom or rake. Vacuuming up leaves and turning them into mulch during the autumn months is ideal for your garden as is easy to do with a variety of cordless blower vacuums available in the PXC range!
For big jobs with lots of leaves, it is best to blow them into one small areas or one big area where they can be easily picked up and placed into a compost heap or recycling bin.
For smaller jobs the blower’s vacuum mode will be very handy when you want to remove leaves that are under a deck, wedged up against the bottom of a fence or stuck behind somewhere where you can’t reach them with a rake or get the right angle to blow them away.
The PXC 2 x 18V Brushless Blower Vacuum is a super helpful gardening product for cleaning up around your home. It has a Brushless motor which reduces friction and wear for more efficient run-time, resulting in longer runtime and a longer life.
These are the three power tools we recommend for dealing with the great majority of outdoor jobs. This collection of tools will help you achieve the tidy front yard you’ve always desired!